Sunday Dec. 8th 2024 - Prepared Lactation Class For Two Attendees
How milk is made!
How babies actually transfer milk
What a normal breastfeeding session for a newborn looks like!
How to optimize milk production
Anatomy of breasts and lactating breasts
Myths surrounding milk production
Common reasons why couples discontinue their feeding journey sooner than they expected
Language of breastfeeding
What your baby takes from this experience
Positions and techniques that work
How to troubleshoot a correct latch
And so much more!
My style is informal yet comprehensive. My goal is for you to obtain a good base level of knowledge and confidence before your baby arrives.
You will receive a follow up email with a soft copy summary of the class, reputable sites to reference and handouts to support the information discussed.
What to bring:
~ Questions !
~A journal or notebook (if you wish to take notes) I will provide digital handouts of the information we cover at the close of class.
~ A baby doll or stuffed animal.
I look forward to a morning of sharing invaluable information with you !